Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

~This past Sunday my family celebrated one of my very favorite days, Mother's Day. I LOVE Mother's Day.....not quite as much as my kid's birthdays, but close. I woke up in the morning to Hank climbing in bed with me. When I opened my eyes he gave me a kiss and said "Happy Muder's day. I lub you." ohhhhhh......melt my heart. About an hour later Brody woke up and came in. He wouldn't kiss me (because he doesn't like "the wet" on his lips), but he did tell me Happy Mother's day and then pulled Brad out of bed to get my card.

Brody picked out the card from the kids. It was one of the "from the dog" cards....ya know, the kind that you give people who don't have human kids, so you pretend like the family pet went to Hallmark and picked out a card. Anyway, he was proud as can be and said he wanted to get it because the doggie on it was just so cute. Brad later told me Brody had a really tough time deciding between this card and the To My Great-Grandma card. Good choice Brody.

Then the boys gave me a leopard print purse. I dropped some major hints to Brod's about the purse, and I'm proud to say he followed through perfectly in telling his daddy where to do my Mother's day shopping. I have to admit, I had a pretty good idea I was getting it, as the day before I was fake shopping online, and Brody asked why I was looking at purses. When I said I was just playing around he very quietly said " I'm not saying a thing."

Sunday was warm and sunny, so we loaded up our baseball stuff and went to Hodag park for a family baseball game. When we got home we had some cupcakes that the boys picked out for me. As an added bonus, they had Storm Trooper and Darth Vader rings on the tops. How lucky is that? Eat your heart out Tiffanys.

I also need to give some major props to the hubs. He cooked me the most delicious tenderloin and garlic mashed potato dinner. I have to say, Brad's steak is the King of all steaks. I wish you could put a scratch-and-taste sticker on blogs 'cause it's that good. After dinner, Brad took the boys fishing and they topped Mother's day off with some fresh caught crappies for Monday night's dinner. Which, they ate every last bit of, but hey, it's the thought that counts!

On Monday, Nativity Preschool had their Mother's Day tea. I am very proud to say I only drenched 2 tissues. The skinna-ma-rink-y-dink-y-doo song will get any momma, I don't care who you are. Brody, in true Brod's fashion, took his performance very seriously and sang every song and every motion completely straight faced. We later went into the cafeteria for tea and cookies. Each mom had a homemade placemat in which the kids had to fill in the blanks. Mine said My mom likes to -play with us. My mom take me-to the Y. My mom is-13. My favorite thing to do with my mom is-play with her. And, the best one, My mom cooks-my dad cooks for us. Don't worry, you can see it hanging on our kitchen wall when you come over.

I am so very thankful for the blessing of my children. I am so grateful that I get to stay home with them. Don't get me wrong, I like all mothers, have days where I want to sell them on e-bay, but so far I've never actually boxed them up with packing peanuts. However, I wouldn't trade the morning routine of snuggling on the chair, drinking my coffee, watching cartoons with each Kowboy sucking his thumb. Nor would I trade the bedtime snuggles where when I leave their room they say "call me out if you need help with anything and snuggle me before you go to bed," or their shortened version "call and 'nuggle." Every night before I go to bed I lay with each of them for a few minutes. I love the way they smell when they sleep....kind of a combo of sweat and spit. Only a smell a mother could appreciate it, but don't you worry, if I ever hit the big time I'm gonna be like the celebs who develop their own perfume line. Mine will be the bottled smell of them sleeping and I'll wear it daily.

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