Sunday, January 22, 2012



He is named Hank. After Hank Williams. He's Hank Ronald. A much better Hank.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Don't read this if you don't want to hear about diarrhea. Lots and lots of diarrhea. Last night Brody informed me at 1 a.m. that he "hadda poop!" Ok, lets just say understatement of the year award goes to.......Brody Kowieski!
The kid had diarrhea like I've never seen. And trust me, Hank was on Miralax for the first 19 months of his life, so I've seen some bad ass diarrhea in my day. Not even Miralax could hold a candle to this poop.
He ran to the bathroom....but was about 20 seconds too late. It was on the floor, the heat vent, the walls, and the window blinds. Since I was about 20 seconds too late to see how he managed any of that, I just can't tell you how one gets poop on window blinds. But, he did. Now, when I say the floor, the heat vent, the walls, and the window, I don't mean just a little bit. I mean it looked like somebody took a cup of hot chocolate and threw it all over my bathroom. Bummer I don't have a pic to post huh? And, good luck drinking any hot chocolate in the next few days.
Ok, so he is panicking and I'm trying to help him without getting covered in poop spray. So, I get him cleaned up and had to break out my Mrs. Meyers cleaners and scrub my floor, heat vent, walls and blinds. And, just for added fun, I have bead board walls in my bathroom. Any idea what runny poop can do in all those crevices? I do. If you wanna know just ask me. It involved needing vinegar, dish soap, and an old toothbrush. All at 1:30 a.m. people.
And, of course the fun continued at 3 a.m, and 5 a.m. I finally feel asleep at 5:30ish. I brought Hank to school today in my yoga pants, no bra (thank you heavy down coat), yesterdays mascara on my face, and a crazy ass hairdo kind of resembling a side pony type thing. Now, this was no easy task people. Have you ever brought a kid to school and had him realize on the ride that his brother ISN'T going and he is? Brody told Hank he "has the diarrhea." Hank screamed "ahhhhh....I hate the diarrhea." And tried to get as far away from Brody as he could. Chill Hank. He's not a leper.

Friday, January 13, 2012

I have to say...I do love winter. It's beautiful. Love to look out my windows and see this!
Hank having a temper tantrum because I was taking his pic. Isn't he just adorable?

Kowboys wanted to go for a walk. Which, of course involves weapons. In case we see any birds. Or deer. Or squirrel. Or possum. Or rattlesnakes.

Hank "Mom, can you eat eagles?"

Me "No, it's illegal."

Hank " I know it's an eagle."

Me "No, it's illegal."


Me "It's against the law Hank."

Hank " you can't?"

Brody "Not unless you wanna get a ticket."

Today was a strange day. Strange in the I got rear ended, my dog and neighbors dog who've seen each other a million times got in a dog fight, and I made chocolate chip cookies from scratch and they actually turned out great kinda weird.

I picked the Kowboys up from school today, was waiting to turn left at the stop light and felt a slight "bump" on my bumper. I looked in my rear view mirror to see a lady mouthing "I'm sorry!" in her mirror. The lady was actually a guy...but...that's a whole 'nother story.

Anyway, I pulled into B.P., checked the bumper, and there was no damage. Thank you. Then, of course Kowboys have a freak out and realize we are at the gas station and need suction cups (Reese's pb cups), water, beef jerkey, pretzels, skittles, popcorn. Nice try. We'll be home in 3 minutes. We're not driving cross country kids. So, the next 3 minutes of the ride all I hear is how thirsty they are. We can't wait Mom! Nice try. We're home.

After 7 boxes of raisins, 5 kiwis, 298 glasses of water (I guess they really were thirsty) we went out to do some deer hunting. Ya know...deer hunting with suction cup bows and arrows, rubber knives, and a dart gun. On our walk we came across our neighbor and her dogs. After about 5 minutes of chatting our dogs started growling and then...cue dog fight. I'm screaming and holding the kids, she's screaming and trying to get the dogs to stop, and kids are screaming because the dogs each sound like they are screaming.


Thank goodness nobody/dogs were hurt.

I'm getting a massage at 9 a.m. tomorrow.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hank "Mom, I just went to the bathroom and had an explosive poop come out. And, when it came out a whole buncha pee got on my shirt. I think I need to change my shirt."

ummmmm.....good choice

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Yes, it has come to this.

If you are a 20 something woman reading this blog...quick...exit out. If you don't....consider yourself for warned. This is a grim look into your future. And, just an F.Y.I., I used to be a 105 pound 22 yr. old that thought a "good breakfast" was cold Congress pizza, coke out of a can, and maybe some peanut M&M's. My idea of a "good man" was if he looked like an Abercrombie model (because I used to actually fit into Abercrombie clothes)! And, I would of died laughing if somebody would of told me that in my 30's I would get crazy excited over cleaning products.

Well, WELCOME TO MY 30'S!!

I bought these Mrs. Meyers cleaning products yesterday and mommy likey! I have to say I was always kind of a Pledge all surface girl.....but...not anymore. Call me Mrs. Meyers Kowieski. They smell awesome. I bought the lavender scent and the geranium scent. Ohhh laaa laa.

I scrubbed all the floors in the house with the lavender and my house smells like a spa. I then dusted and cleaned the kitchen with the geranium one. I'm totally stoked to get the basil scent window cleaner. Can you even imagine it? I'm in cleaning heaven.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012!

Welcome 2012!

The Kow's rang in the New Year with some board games, kids champagne, grasshoppers, music and an awesome fireworks show by the hubs.

My wish for 2012 is for my family to be healthy and for God to continue to help me to have solid relationships with my children and husband. Some days being a mother is hard and being a wife is even harder. Such is life and I wouldn't exchange mine. I hope that I can continue to cherish and relish in my life's treasures.