Monday, December 24, 2012

 This week was full of Christmas goodness.  Programs, cookies and egg nog.  See that kid singing his heart out in the green shirt and red sweater vest.  That'd be my Herb.  I cant even stand the cuteness level.
 The inn keeper and Mary. 
 Why my family is way more awesome than yours.  Matching Holiday shirts.
 Congratulating Hank on his awesome inn keeper performance.

 Nice face Brody.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

B.Herb'm a total loser and did not post about super important things this oh say...Brody starting kindergarten....loosing his first tooth....or his New Years resolution is to be better on being on the ball with my blog.  Probably same resolution as last year....but try try again.  Correct?  So, here is some parenting advice.  Listen up.  If you are planning a birthday party for your 6 year old, and you decide to invite all the kindergartners from both class rooms, and you take a crazy pill and decide to do it at the bowling alley make sure you have lots of adults.  Lots.  And maybe a pediatrician.  And dentist.  And change of clothes in case 1 pees their pants.  And maybe a lawyer in case a kid gets his arm ripped off in the ball return.  And....of course some kick ass cupcakes.
I told Brody he could have a party, but explained why I wasn't comfortable asking 25 parents (most of which have never been to our house) to get Brody a present.  So, I explained different charities and he decided on Toys for Tots.  I was so proud of him!  He had 15 toys to donate and was so proud of himself.  He has such a kind heart.  Love, love, love the Kowboys.
Nice photobomb Hank

Viva Las Vegas

 My Mother-in-law turned 65 this year.  For her birthday my father-in-law/sister-in-laws planned a trip for she and all of us.  Vegas was the destination and lots of laughs were had.  Don't you think Aunt Heather and I would make super duper super models?  That's us.....I thought it was someone famous.  Nope.  Us.  Trying on sunglasses that cost more than my S.U.V.  minivan.  Then, carefully setting them down and getting the hell out of there before we scratch them and have to donate a kidney to pay for them.

Swim you mighty Hoda't this just the most adorable thing you ever did see?  Yep.  B.Herb joined swim club.  In typical Brody style he was "interested" in swim club because he got a team cap and "speedies" otherwise known as speedos.  Not so much the tighty whitey style, more like the boxer brief style. (Not pictured here because we ordered them and much to his dismay they were not here in time for the first meet.)  He is doing so great!  He jumps off the blocks, belly flops dives in, and swims a 25 freestyle or backstroke like nothin' you've ever seen.  Ah-may-zing.  Future Olympian we have.  Plus he really likes watch your back Michael Phelps.