Monday, November 28, 2011

For B.Herb's b-day this year, the big 5, he wanted a lizard. Never, ever tell your kids "if that's what you want next year, that's what you can get" while trying to get them out of Petco. As I did in November of 2010. Or, you also will end up with 2 leopard spotted geckos. Look at his little face. Isn't it just the cutest thing?! So excited!
C'mon Mom....stop taking pics and get in the store.

Which one.....?

I have to say, they are cute little guys. Or girls.!

Getting ready for the lizard release. Thank you Aunt SueEllen for letting the lizard spend a night at your house!

Brody named his Hollow and Hank named his Sponge Bob Square Pants Popcorn. The boys are thrilled and this is where I remind myself...they are kids, they are only kids once...and there are much worse pets then some harmless (non-smelly, I checked) leopard geckos. Did I mention they can live for 20 years?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Grammie treated the boys to a night out at Shrek the musical at the Grand theater in Wausau. It was AMAZING!! They were in awe. The costumes were incredible! We loved, loved, loved it. As Brody said " thank you 530 times over Grammie!"
Waiting for the show to start.

C'mon Shrek

Have you seen cuter ogers? Didn't think so.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

He's 5!

On November 19,2006 at 10:50 a.m. I became something I'd always wanted to be. A mother. B. Herb turned 5 today. Don't ya just love the streamer "car wash"?
Hankie giving B his Wizard of Oz music card

I just woke up mom stop taking my pic.

Cheesecake birthday cake

This is one of those Hallmark moments where I'm saying through gritted teeth "get in the picture Hank. I want a picture with you and your brother. It's your brother's birthday. GET IN THE PICTURE!" Notice any pics of the brothers? Didn't think so.

What 5 years of cuteness looks like.

I love birthday hats!

This is what he wanted for his birthday. Hunters orange. And a chameleon. Lizard details coming up soon. Stay posted.

God bless you B.Herb. Lover of baseball, golf, Star Wars, playing "Gunsmoke" dress-up, the White Stag, hair "jelly", guitar playing, singing, night time snuggles with snorter, and the best deer hunter in all of Wisconsin.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hank "made" his own breakfast. Donut and Special K bar. What? It's made with cereal.
Nice cooperation boys. Thank you.

Having kids is like having an exotic pet. It's cool. They're beautiful. When you take them out places people oooggle over them. You get to pick really cool names for them. But. But. At any moment they can turn on you and bite your face off. Welcome to my day.

Ok, so as most of you know I now have the super stressful work week of Tues. and Wed. First of all.....let me clear something up. Being a stay at home mom is hard. Wanna know what's harder? Being a working mom. I'm gonna give a big ol' "You Rock" to working moms. If I had to do this s#&$ 5 days a week it wouldn't be pretty people.

The Kowboys go to school on the days that I work. My niece picks them up at 2:30, so really they don't have it that rough. But to them...tragic. They like their life of luxury. Wake up, mom makes some coffee, the 3 of us snuggle in the chair and catch up on Nick Jr. cartoons or read some library books. Then start our day around 9:00. They just aint havin' this out the door by 7:30 nonsense. So, here's how my morning went:

6:40 Brody walks into living room "momma do I have school today?"

Me "yes"

Brody "whahahahahahhawwhahaha" (that's screaming/crying) followed by kicking me in the shins and punching me in the stomach.

Hank "we do have school"

Me "Yes, it's Wed. today"

So, at this point they are both doing a run/scream combo move around the living room. Kind of like blowing up 2 balloons and then letting them go and at the same time pushing an air horn. I think naps are in order for tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why I'm cooler than you

Wanna know why I'm cooler than you? 'Cause I took AcroYoga with Chip and Laura tonight. That's correct ladies and gentlemen. ACROyoga!! See that lady in the cool pose on chips feet. THAT'S ME!!!
And this is me doing the really cool hold on to Chip's ankles and put my knee on his foot move. Impressed???

Smile if you like Yoga with Misel.

Any day now I'm going to tour with Cirque du Soleil.

I had fun. In case you couldn't tell.

3 hours of AcroYoga makes this momma sleeeepppyy.
Gotta love Hottie Eric. (That's his birth name.)

Monday, November 7, 2011

This is what I found when I opened my frig tonight. This is what sent me into insta-tears. If you don't have kids stop reading this blog because you'll think I'm a freak show. If you are a dad you wont understand, so stop reading this blog. Only read this if you are a mother.

The insta-tears was prompted by the bowl of cereal. With the spoon. On top of the cheesecake. Hank had this bowl of cereal for a snack tonight. I forgot all about it untill I opened the frig. Why did I forget all about it? How did I forget all about it? Well.....because when Hank was done eating it he put it in the frig. "Saved" it for tomorrow. Now why would that send me into tears you ask? Here's why. Score 1 for mom teaching kids to be responsible. He cleaned up his snack, put it where it goes, and didn't waste any food. He's 3 people. THREE. Some of his friends are still pooping in their pants. 3.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sesame Street will never be the same
My kids share in my love for pumpkin carving. They don't. I'm sorry people, but it's boring and stupid and kept my kids entertained for about 27 seconds.

Transformer and Spider Man. Neither of which are the costumes we (Papa) bought them to wear this year. Oh well, I've spent the past few weeks at WalMart with Obi-Won and Cookie got some good use. Even if they didn't make an appearance Trick-or-Treating.

Now that I've eaten all of the good candy out of the Kowboys pumpkins I'll fill you in on the super fun last few weeks. Last weekend I went to the MOA with some of my fav. gals. Lots of good shopping, great food, and of course laugh till I pee. This is a yearly thing for me. Laugh till I pee.....out in the parking lot.....or in the super high end part of Nordstroms. I'm sorry, even at 33 a guy with his zipper down showing off his polka dotted underwear is really freakin' funny people. A nicer women would of told him. One like me would laugh till she pees. And FYI the Nordstrom workers DONOT get a kick out of Libby and I laughing for 40 minutes in the chairs outside the bathroom. I almost bought a $400 shirt just because I felt so guilty. Almost.

Brad and I had a fun Halloween weekend with 2 fun parties and much needed margaritas for big bird. Kowboys had fun trick-or-treating. Hank made it 2 blocks, got freaked out and stayed at a friends house to help pass out candy. Brods loaded up the pumpkin.

And, just for fun, here are a few "fun" things that happened in our house this week:

Culligan broke

Microwave broke

Oven caught on fire (thankfully just bacon grease and after a good cleaning all was good)

The garage door opener broke and a cable snapped and a big metal rod thingy came slamming down. Thank God nobody was standing there and miraculously it missed both vehicles.

Brad and I were bringing a keg to a party and locked the keys in the car. With the keg in the car. And no spare keys anywhere to be found.

And.....I did something a women should never ever ever do. I had a moment of craziness. The kids were playing dress up. I had a dress in there from when I was a bridesmaid in my best friends wedding. For some crazy a** reason I thought "hmmm...lets see if I can still fit in this." O.K., here was my thought process....when I wore the dress I was 21 weeks pg with Brody. So, I thought if I could wear this thing at 21 weeks pg I better the H fit in it now?! Uhhhh huhhhh. What I didn't tell my crazy brain is that I also lost about 15 pounds during the start of my preg. and heaved my brains out the entire pregnancy. So, yes, I was in the smoking hot glory days of my body at that wedding. Huge boobs and not showing even a teeny bit yet. Unlike my just ate all my kids Halloween candy and had McDonalds for lunch because they were begging for it and I didn't feel like going through the effort of making grilled cheese body. Not. NOT the same body. So, I got the dress stuck. Couldn't get it down, couldn't get it up. Stuck. I had to cut the thing off.