On November 19,2006 at 10:50 a.m. I became something I'd always wanted to be. A mother. B. Herb turned 5 today. Don't ya just love the streamer "car wash"?
Hankie giving B his Wizard of Oz music card
Hankie giving B his Wizard of Oz music card
I just woke up mom stop taking my pic.
Cheesecake birthday cake
This is one of those Hallmark moments where I'm saying through gritted teeth "get in the picture Hank. I want a picture with you and your brother. It's your brother's birthday. GET IN THE PICTURE!" Notice any pics of the brothers? Didn't think so.
What 5 years of cuteness looks like.
This is what he wanted for his birthday. Hunters orange. And a chameleon. Lizard details coming up soon. Stay posted.
God bless you B.Herb. Lover of baseball, golf, Star Wars, playing "Gunsmoke" dress-up, the White Stag, hair "jelly", guitar playing, singing, night time snuggles with snorter, and the best deer hunter in all of Wisconsin.
Happy birthday, handsome! What time should we be at White Stag?