First day of school...first day of school Nemo. Those were the first words the Kowboys heard this morning. Because they are 3 and 4 the excitement was almost tangible. They actually ate breakfast. Gasp! Got dressed when asked, brushed teeth for longer than 8 seconds (and moved the toothbrush on their teeth, not just stand there with it hanging out of their mouth) and put their socks and shoes on the 3rd time I asked. All and all..... a good start to the day. No screaming, no tantrums, no fighting, no crying. And, the Kowboys didn't scream, throw a tantrum or cry either. hehhehheee..... I have big hopes for day 2.
I have to say, last night was a rough one. We have some transitions coming up. Like......momma is starting a new job. Yes, that last word was J-O-B. As in work. I will be working not 1, but 2 days a week. YIKES!!! Starting next week I will be working Tues. and Wed. in an office in Rhinelander. I will greatly miss all my friends at Grembans and god knows there is a special place in heaven for bosses like those guys. But, as the kids get older and their needs change, being in town 2 minutes from their school was just were I needed to be. was a great day for the Kowboys. They were little rock stars. Brody helped Hank and showed him how a seasoned preschooler does things. I didn't cry. I'm not gonna lie. It was adorable and heart warming and so cute I coulda squeezed their little heads. But, 7 hours to myself was kinda nice.
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