Monday, September 26, 2011

Mom Karma.....

This weekend Brad and I had plans to go to the Brewer game and spend a night alone. In a city. No kids. Fun Bar hopping. Sushi. Sleep till whenever we feel like it. Lounge in bed in the morning with a cup of coffee. And, then....Mom Karma.

B.Herb woke up Sat. morning sounding like he swallowed a cactus. So, after a $300 visit to the walk-in, a $15 trip to Walgreens, and tears of "I wanna get corn stalks with Grandpa. I can't miss going with Grandpa." We are having a fun time with Cptn. Strep Throat. I hate you strep. I hate you and your little pus filled white spots. O.k., here's the thing with strep. Brody gets it ALLTHETIME! All. The. Time. Why? Because he still sucks his thumb and no I'm not stopping this habit. He enjoys it, only does it when he has his blankie, and I'm a dental hygienist. Every kid needs ortho for something. Bring on the braces.

Anyway, my dad was watching the boys for us. And he insisted that we go. INSISTED. I know what you're thinking......"what kind of a mother leaves her kid when he has strep throat?" One that really, REALLY wants a night alone with my husband. REALLY BADLY! And, in my defense, he was not acting even a little bit sick. And, we do have a blue ray DVD.....and green tea......and popsicles. So, I went. Hesitantly and guilt ridden. But, I went. I REALLY need a night alone with the hottie hubs.

We were about 45 minutes outside of Milwaukee and I called home (for the 4th time) to see how he was feeling. Brody answers the phone and I hear Hank screaming in the background. Ear infection. Are you freakin' kidding me? I never, ever leave my kids. Ever. Brody says "if he's this bad now momma, it's just gonna be worse in the morning." And Hank says ( while sobbing) ""

Turn the car E.R......yes, at this point it's E.R charges...can't wait for that bill......tell E.R. that Grammie has permission for medical treatment....that's why I love small towns.......and drive 3 hours back home.

Mom karma.

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