Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Today, while I was in the shower, with the door locked, enjoying my Bumble and Bumble volumizing shampoo, I was quickly brought back to Mom land. Hank was standing outside the door (by standing I mean pounding on the door) yelling "Momma, I gotta go poop." Me, wanting to enjoy my 12 minutes of hot steamy lather told him to go downstairs. Well, as anybody with children knows, they can not poop in a different bathroom. They need to poop in the bathroom that I am using. And enjoying. So, here's where this story is going.......I unlock the door while Hank is screaming "bad, I gotta go BAD!!!!"
I let him in, quickly finish my shower, and dry off. While I'm standing there, wrapping up with my towel Hank says:
"mom, why do you have those big things? (boobs)"
Me: "I know, they are really big. (for real, I really said that) Ladies have these so that when babies are born they can feed them."
Hank: "why do you wear a brat (bra)?"
Me: "So that my shirt looks nice."
Hank "Ohhhh.....so your brat pushes those big things up and squeezes them together?"

Yes Hank, yes. And with some really good underwire and padding, we can all be a DD.

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