Thursday, September 29, 2011

My foreign exchange poo


I swore up and down...and up and down....that I WAS NOT gonna get another dog. Uhhhhh....huhhhhhh. Then, along came my foreign exchange dog. Lilla. Or Illa as the kids call her. Or Cheese Sticks as Hank wanted to call her. But not, Pieceofshit dog like Brad calls her.

I would like to formerly introduce you to the newest member of our family.........drumroll please....Lila Kimberly Kowieski. My little Shipoo. And, I love my little Shipoo.

For the first week I had to "trick" (it wasn't exactly a lie) and tell Brad that we were babysitting her. My niece is allergic to dogs and had to get rid of both her dogs. So, I being the caring Aunt that I am, decided to save this poor dog from euthanization. (This wasn't going to happen, but if I pretend like it was an option it makes lying to my husband seem not so bad.) Brad hates. HATES. These kind of dogs. The chances of him ever actually choosing this dog as a family pet are about as good as me putting a Fat Head of Ocho Cinco up on my living room wall. Some things just aren't gonna happen. So, I just said we were babysitting. Brad asked "how long?" I said "not sure." Well....I'm not sure.....8 years, 10 years 14 years. I just can't honestly answer that now can I?

It only took him about 2 days....of Lila sleeping on the kids beds and being carried all over be me to realize she's here to stay. (And, yes Brad, I do realize she can walk. She just likes to be carried.) I think he's warming up to her. He actually said "she'd be cool if she was a big dog." Baby steps.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mom Karma.....

This weekend Brad and I had plans to go to the Brewer game and spend a night alone. In a city. No kids. Fun Bar hopping. Sushi. Sleep till whenever we feel like it. Lounge in bed in the morning with a cup of coffee. And, then....Mom Karma.

B.Herb woke up Sat. morning sounding like he swallowed a cactus. So, after a $300 visit to the walk-in, a $15 trip to Walgreens, and tears of "I wanna get corn stalks with Grandpa. I can't miss going with Grandpa." We are having a fun time with Cptn. Strep Throat. I hate you strep. I hate you and your little pus filled white spots. O.k., here's the thing with strep. Brody gets it ALLTHETIME! All. The. Time. Why? Because he still sucks his thumb and no I'm not stopping this habit. He enjoys it, only does it when he has his blankie, and I'm a dental hygienist. Every kid needs ortho for something. Bring on the braces.

Anyway, my dad was watching the boys for us. And he insisted that we go. INSISTED. I know what you're thinking......"what kind of a mother leaves her kid when he has strep throat?" One that really, REALLY wants a night alone with my husband. REALLY BADLY! And, in my defense, he was not acting even a little bit sick. And, we do have a blue ray DVD.....and green tea......and popsicles. So, I went. Hesitantly and guilt ridden. But, I went. I REALLY need a night alone with the hottie hubs.

We were about 45 minutes outside of Milwaukee and I called home (for the 4th time) to see how he was feeling. Brody answers the phone and I hear Hank screaming in the background. Ear infection. Are you freakin' kidding me? I never, ever leave my kids. Ever. Brody says "if he's this bad now momma, it's just gonna be worse in the morning." And Hank says ( while sobbing) ""

Turn the car E.R......yes, at this point it's E.R charges...can't wait for that bill......tell E.R. that Grammie has permission for medical treatment....that's why I love small towns.......and drive 3 hours back home.

Mom karma.

Monday, September 19, 2011

What I overheard today while driving in the car
Brody " I think mom is 20. Wait...... NO....... her's 23."
Hank "How old's daddy?"
Brody "73 I think"


On that note, I had an "age spot" removed from my forehead today. What the hell is that about? And, the good news is....... they're genetic. Lucky me. And, also, I know you had a botoxed face nurse. So, stop talking about my "age spot." You and your expressionless eyebrows.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our family was sitting around watching football tonight, and as they cut to the commerical Hank yelled " Whoooo......cheerleaders! I see their butts." With a very happy grin on his face. God help me when this kid is 16.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

God Bless America

Tonight on the ride home from church the boys spotted the yellow ribbons downtown. Of course, as soon as they spotted them, they said "look, ribbons for soldiers! Why are there ribbons for soldiers momma?" Well, I've always felt that if they are old enough to ask, they're old enough to know. (Obviously taking into consideration their age.) So, I explained that 10 years ago some very bad men killed some people. Imagine how a conversation goes with a 3 and 4 yr. old from here. If not, just insert a lot of "why"?
I explained that some people don't like America and some very bad people flew a plane into a building where people worked. The building collapsed, and many people including firemen and police officers died. Brody said "well, then why do soldiers still die?" Which opened the conversation about war. The boys were quiet for the rest of the ride and I could tell their little brains were working overtime.
At dinner, we said grace as usual. By usual I mean Brody saying his prayer. Hank singing the new song he learned in school. Followed up by Brody saying "I knew that song first Hank. I was in preschool before you." Cue fight. Me reminding them that we are saying grace and they are fighting over who said a better prayer. And tonight, for added fun, Brody said "oh yeah Hank, do you know your prayer in Spanish." Last time I checked Brody wasn't bilingual. And then our 20 minute grace is completed with all of us putting our hands on our hearts and Brody singing "God Bless America." For real. I'm not joking. It like Chevy Chase's house on Christmas. Minus the squirrel.
As we were eating tonight we did a lot of talking about prayer. The power of prayer, praying if your scared, praying if your thankful, praying if your sad, get the point. Basically, just explaining that God is with you at all times. I love how my boys really understand this for such a young age. Hank said "where is doggy heaven? I wanna see Lulu there someday." Brody said "there's soldiers in heaven." So sweet. Wouldn't our world be so much better if every person just had compassion for others?
In honor of all of those who lost their lives God bless them and their families. God bless all the Americans who helped that day. And, as the Kowboys say often "God bless the soldiers."

Friday, September 9, 2011

Today has been a very emotional day for me. For a thousand and one reasons. And, NO, I'm not p.g. This week of school has been great. The Kowboys are loving it, and I am getting a whole crap load of stuff done. Like what you ask?
Well, I washed all my delicates......ahem.....bras that have been sitting in a pile on the bottom of the laundry room floor as if they are awaiting Heidi Klum and her angel wings to come sweep them up and walk down the runway while Seal (can't decide if he is hot or not) sings some sucky song. Meanwhile Heidi is swaying down the runway with her bouncy, yeah I've had 4 kids in like 15 minutes, boobs. That would be if, if, Heidi wore Hanes Her Way bras from WalMart. What? They're raspberry pink and teal. Kind of hot? Right? No. Not at all. But, ya know what? Kovi can't tell the difference. He thought they were from Vic's. And, someday he'll get me some big ol' perky boobs.
I have to say, this school stuff has been bitter sweet for me. Of course, it's nice to have some time to get things done without having to "ounce" (announce) a rodeo, pretend to be Princes Leia, pitch baseballs, go deer hunting, "ounce" a water ski show, try to teach the terrier to fetch, feed Brody's pet worms.....ya get the point. But, it's wierd. I realize after this week I will be working Tues. and Wed., so I will just be home alone on Fridays, but still, it's wierd. For 5 years my days have revolved around the Kowboys. And now, I have from 8-2:30 one day a week to do whatever strikes my fancy. Wierd. I think I have a 70% love, 30% hate relationship with school.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day of school!

First day of school...first day of school Nemo. Those were the first words the Kowboys heard this morning. Because they are 3 and 4 the excitement was almost tangible. They actually ate breakfast. Gasp! Got dressed when asked, brushed teeth for longer than 8 seconds (and moved the toothbrush on their teeth, not just stand there with it hanging out of their mouth) and put their socks and shoes on the 3rd time I asked. All and all..... a good start to the day. No screaming, no tantrums, no fighting, no crying. And, the Kowboys didn't scream, throw a tantrum or cry either. hehhehheee..... I have big hopes for day 2.

I have to say, last night was a rough one. We have some transitions coming up. Like......momma is starting a new job. Yes, that last word was J-O-B. As in work. I will be working not 1, but 2 days a week. YIKES!!! Starting next week I will be working Tues. and Wed. in an office in Rhinelander. I will greatly miss all my friends at Grembans and god knows there is a special place in heaven for bosses like those guys. But, as the kids get older and their needs change, being in town 2 minutes from their school was just were I needed to be. was a great day for the Kowboys. They were little rock stars. Brody helped Hank and showed him how a seasoned preschooler does things. I didn't cry. I'm not gonna lie. It was adorable and heart warming and so cute I coulda squeezed their little heads. But, 7 hours to myself was kinda nice.

Thumbs up to cool backpacks. Buzz and Spiderman
Grammie's gonna kill me. But, I thought this was adorable.

I think Papa was more emotional than me!

My unshowered, unmake-up'd self. Funny, that's my usual look! And my Hottie husband and so cute it should be outlawed kids.

My very fav!!! Look at Hankie lookin'
at Brods. I love this one because this was how the morning was. Any questions Hankie had he asked Brody. Ya know, this is B's second year of preschool after all.

Jacket goes here!

Checking out the name tags...seeing if they know anybody.

Putting his supplies away. When I picked him up his teacher told me that he sang "God Bless America" for her. She said she almost cried it was so adorable. I did cry. It was that adorable.

Which toy...which toy???

Dropping his name in the bag .

Hankie's cubby.