Sunday, July 31, 2011

Well...hello there! I'm back. As much as I wish I could say I haven't posted anything because I was doing something that would change the world like helping homeless people, or switching my aresole hairspray to a pump (I just can't get the volume..I've tried)! I've just been caught up in the awesome WI summer. For those of you that live in an area where it is hot for more than 2 months out of the year...good for you. I don't. So, in between pontoon boat rides, jailhouse pizza Mondays, tubing, smores, endless waterski shows in the baby pool, and watching the kids ride their bikes around and around the driveway circle..I just haven't found time to blog. But, if any of you are still in the running for Parent of the Year, you know who you are little Mrs. "I grow a garden and only feed my kids organic vegetables and use only deet free all natural bug spray and we don't own a t.v. or a Wii and my Larry is doing 10th grade math and he's only 4" Well......bravo. Meanwhile, I'm getting why my mom sucks award. Here's why. Since I posted this Brody has
1. Learned how to ride his bike without training 2 months ago.
2. Entered the library talent show and played "Ring of Fire" on his guitar while wearing cowboy boots and a hat. Which, by the way, was all his idea.
Yeah, I know. I suck. Bad. But, here's the problem. I don't know how to upload a video to U-tube and then put it on my blog. Maybe I should ask the hot polish guy I live with, considering he's VP of a technology company and he's all fancy like that. I will. I will. Meanwhile, damn those smores are good. I promise I'll be better at making this more of an effort and just tivo Real Housewives of New Jersey.
Oh, and here's my daily gratitude. Today I am thankful for my husband awesome cooking skills!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Found it!

This my friends is the infamous squirrel. Brody got best in class on Wednesday(Karate), and Mr. B gives the little kids a toy. Hank also got best in class and received a pack of stickers.
Wednesday hubs and I went on a date and when we got home the babysitter said the kids were up a little later looking for the squirrel. Hank told Brody he "hid it and he's never gonna find it." As the babysitter is telling us this Brody yells from his bedroom "Hank's in big trouble!"
Well, let me tell you people. Hank is a steal trap. I'm not above bribing-free parenting lesson: try bribing, it works great. I told him I'd give him $1 if he went and got the squirrel. Nothing. I told him I would take his stickers and he wouldn't get them back until he found the squirrel. Nothing. So, I tried "don't you go get the squirrel, whatever you do don't get the squirrel." Nothing. At this point, I had no more tricks up my sleeve and told Brods to try to recall the last place his saw the squirrel. Brody said "in Hank's hands." Well, that's not gonna help is it?
But today, Brody pushed out the couch and lord and behold there was the squirrel. He looked at Hank and said " did my squirrel get back here." And yep, the steal trap said "I told you I don't know." Ummmmm hmmmmmm.......we have a phantom toy hider in our house. Beware.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Today has not been one of my favorite days. Sometimes being a grown-up isn't all it's cracked up to be. However, that's life and we can either choose to be a you know what, or we can put on our big girl panties and deal with it. Lucky for you I have some cute lacy flowered big girl unders on.
So, because I am me and I am lucky enough to be very logical, very determined, and very strong, I allowed myself until 4:00 p.m. to have a pitty party ( I still have 30minutes) and when the clock shows 4:01 party over. Also, I am going to end each of my blog posts from now on with one thing I am grateful for. Because sometimes, we all need to be reminded that we are surronded by 100,000 miracles every day. And, I my friends am a very blessed person.

Today I am grateful that when I woke up in the morning, I rolled onto Brads pillow and got a big old sniff of my husband. I love the smell of him.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Itty bitty bikini

The other day I overcame my second biggest fear. Bikini's. Sharks is first. Stomach and boob showing swimsuit second. I never, ever wear a bikini. For a good reason. I own a mirror.
So here's the thing with bikinis. When you purchase them, they should come with either a free liposuction certificate, or some Zanac. Or, better yet, both. So, here's the itty bitty bikini story. When I say bikini, I'm not talking tankini. Not string, but not tank.
The boys and I went on the boat, and I decided (after some hot yoga and prep talk from the yoga instructor) to wear the evil piece of lycra. We got to Hodag beach, nobody was there, and I thought "screw you stomach rolls, momma's going swimming." I got in the water, played with the boys and Hankie has to poop. No prob. Brad and he hopped on the boat and went to the country club because the bathrooms at the beach weren't open. Why would they be? It's only 4th of July week Rhinelander. Anyway, off they went and Brod's and I stayed and played. After splashing around for awhile Brody looks at me and says "mom, I have to poop also." Seriously, they are like twins when it comes to bowel movements. If one has to go the other has to go. I should know this by now.'s my options. Tell Brody to squeeze his cheeks and wait for his dad. Not healthy. Tell him to go in the woods by the beach. Not sanitary. Or, march across Hodag park to the bathrooms.
Alrighty folks. This is where we seperate the boys from the men. I mustered up some courage and walked past the guy cutting the lawn, people fishing, people eating lunch, dog walkers, and kids at the playground so Brody could poop. Me and all my raspberry pink glory.

Monday, July 4, 2011

My newest great-nephew!!!

Introducing......drum roll please.....CARSON MICHAEL DEBAY. The newest member of the ever growing Wales clan. He's my great nephew. As in, his mom is my niece, great nephew. And, he's delicious. newborn smell. That smell will give any woman an aching uterus. I don't care who you are. That newborn smell is heaven in your nostrils. And the feet, oh those feet.
Our family stopped up to see him this afternoon. Brody was more excited to see "Uncle" Mike....who's not really his Uncle, he's actually Brody's first cousins husband. But, sometimes the age gap is even more confusing for us. Hank liked him, but was in desperate need of some chicken nuggets. And me, well, what do you think? All in favor of baby #3....say "I". "I"