Ok people,...good news. I didn't sell my kids on the black market. Whatever. Stop rolling your eyes. Ob-vi-ous-ly I love them more than any human being on this planet (you're a close second Brad), but yesterday was one long a** day. The sun hasn't shined since late 2009 and this 3 bedroom ranch is getting a little to cozy for our family. And, I forgot to mention the best part of last night. As I'm coming down from my mom freakout/get mommy the Adult chocolate milk quick episode, I gathered my crazy, unshowered, yoga pants when I didn't even do yoga yesterday self and tried to explain to the little devils why I was mad. I stared to say "lately dinner time has been very" (I was going to say frustrating) when Hank interrupts me and says "crabby!"
This my friends is why people have more than one child. Or any children. Because you can be so angry you want to get in your goldfish covered, Britax sitting, what the hell is that smell, mini-van and drive off into the sunset. But then, one of your offspring says something so darn funny or so stinkin' cute you could just squeeze them till their guts pop out. And, when you pick them up they pat your back and say "I love you three hundred." Which is a lot in 4 year old boy world.
i die......