B.Herb totally busted Kovi today. Last night Brad took the boys fishing off the dock. (I was golfing.) This morning Brad left early for golf and got home about 2:00. Cptn Safety, AKA Brody made daddy spill the beans. As soon as he walked in the door and sat down, here's how the conversation went
Brody "daddy, are you going to tell momma about Hankaroo?"
Brad "what?"
Brody "you know"
Brad "what, that Hank had fun fishing?"
Brody "nope, not that daddy."
Brad "Hank fell off the dock last night and didn't have his life jacket on"
slight pause.....for effect....me "What...What....What?" (Picture the mom on the phone in the Christmas Story.)
Ok, this is one of those married moments where you want to pick up a steak knive and throw it at your husbands head. (Mental image of that happening...followed by me now having to get a job making license plates during my hour out of cell block 6.)Yoga breaths....count to 10 and as calmly as I can say "Oh, that must be why he said his ear hurt from the "water" that got in it.
As I may have mentioned before I am a little over the top with safety. But, I don't think demanding they wear life jackets on the dock is that crazy. Asking that they wear life jackets when he takes them ice fishing for fear they are going to fall into the hole...little wierd. But, on the dock? C'mon. Case in point Kovi. And, I'm going to go with my good old trusty "ya, every parent who had a child drown thought it was going to happen." And, you better believe Brad heard that one.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
June 25,2011
Today I golfed in my first scramble. I know, that's what I said! And yes, I did wear a visor. I did NOT wear a Hooters tank top like the lady on the hole in front of us. Stay classy lady. Anyway, it was a blast and I didn't do to shabby! It was a memorial tournament for Ryan Adams.
Today was a great reminder for all of us to give thanks to those who sacrifice their lives to keep us safe and free. God Bless the U.S.A. There's a special place in heaven for soldiers. Just ask Brody.
Today was a great reminder for all of us to give thanks to those who sacrifice their lives to keep us safe and free. God Bless the U.S.A. There's a special place in heaven for soldiers. Just ask Brody.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I would date this, but I don't know what day it is because I am that freakin' tired.
Ok people,...good news. I didn't sell my kids on the black market. Whatever. Stop rolling your eyes. Ob-vi-ous-ly I love them more than any human being on this planet (you're a close second Brad), but yesterday was one long a** day. The sun hasn't shined since late 2009 and this 3 bedroom ranch is getting a little to cozy for our family. And, I forgot to mention the best part of last night. As I'm coming down from my mom freakout/get mommy the Adult chocolate milk quick episode, I gathered my crazy, unshowered, yoga pants when I didn't even do yoga yesterday self and tried to explain to the little devils why I was mad. I stared to say "lately dinner time has been very" (I was going to say frustrating) when Hank interrupts me and says "crabby!"
This my friends is why people have more than one child. Or any children. Because you can be so angry you want to get in your goldfish covered, Britax sitting, what the hell is that smell, mini-van and drive off into the sunset. But then, one of your offspring says something so darn funny or so stinkin' cute you could just squeeze them till their guts pop out. And, when you pick them up they pat your back and say "I love you three hundred." Which is a lot in 4 year old boy world.
This my friends is why people have more than one child. Or any children. Because you can be so angry you want to get in your goldfish covered, Britax sitting, what the hell is that smell, mini-van and drive off into the sunset. But then, one of your offspring says something so darn funny or so stinkin' cute you could just squeeze them till their guts pop out. And, when you pick them up they pat your back and say "I love you three hundred." Which is a lot in 4 year old boy world.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
June 21,2011
Dear Kids,
When you are pre-kids adults and you have me over for dinner I'm gonna pay you back. Big time. I'm gonna spill my milk at every meal (oh, no sippy cups past age 1 because those are for "babies".) And, I'm going to spill my milk on my clothes and insist you get me a new pair of pants, no pajamas, pants. That way, I can add one more thing to the infinity and beyond pile of laundry. After you change my clothes (which no, I can't do myself when you want me to, only when I want to) I'm gonna drop all my silverware on the floor. Haaaaaa....and I actually consider buying a PB rug for under our table. You know, they always show those stupid rugs under the tables with a family of 5 toddlers and 3 dogs, so people like me take a crazy pill and $482 later I have a rug that is stained in 9.3 seconds. NOT like the happy, dog loving, kid sitting at table, family on page 27.
Then.....ohhhh here's the fun part Hankie....I'm not gonna eat. I'm gonna monkey around the whole time, say I'm not hungry, ask what's for "bessert" and then say "feel my tummy...see, there's no room." Now, after fighting me for 25 minutes to eat. Just give up. Clean up the 9,426,701 spaghetti noodles that are under the table. Chlorox the counters. Start the dishwasher.....AND, as your walking out of the kitchen.....I'm gonna ask for a snack.
I swear, it's like a real live version of "If you give a Moose a Muffin." Thank god for that bottle of Pinot Nior.
When you are pre-kids adults and you have me over for dinner I'm gonna pay you back. Big time. I'm gonna spill my milk at every meal (oh, no sippy cups past age 1 because those are for "babies".) And, I'm going to spill my milk on my clothes and insist you get me a new pair of pants, no pajamas, pants. That way, I can add one more thing to the infinity and beyond pile of laundry. After you change my clothes (which no, I can't do myself when you want me to, only when I want to) I'm gonna drop all my silverware on the floor. Haaaaaa....and I actually consider buying a PB rug for under our table. You know, they always show those stupid rugs under the tables with a family of 5 toddlers and 3 dogs, so people like me take a crazy pill and $482 later I have a rug that is stained in 9.3 seconds. NOT like the happy, dog loving, kid sitting at table, family on page 27.
Then.....ohhhh here's the fun part Hankie....I'm not gonna eat. I'm gonna monkey around the whole time, say I'm not hungry, ask what's for "bessert" and then say "feel my tummy...see, there's no room." Now, after fighting me for 25 minutes to eat. Just give up. Clean up the 9,426,701 spaghetti noodles that are under the table. Chlorox the counters. Start the dishwasher.....AND, as your walking out of the kitchen.....I'm gonna ask for a snack.
I swear, it's like a real live version of "If you give a Moose a Muffin." Thank god for that bottle of Pinot Nior.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
June 11, 2011
Today we lost our Louie Lamour Lipsmacker Fruitloop Kowieski. It was a sad, sad day in our house. Lulu has been blind for some time, but was doing just fine. On Friday night we went out for dinner and when we got home she was not doing well. She wasn't able to get out the door by herself or make her way through the house. Brad and I went to bed with high hopes she had just had a wierd spell of some sort. Sat. morning didn't bring much luck.
We sat the boys down and explained to them that Lu's eyes had gotten really bad, she was really sick, and daddy and I had done everything we could to try to help her. Brody asked if we could "just get her contacts or glasses?" We then explained to them that the vet was going to give her some medicine and the angels would come and take her to heaven. Hankie said "we'll get to see her some day when we are in heaven." Ohhh, break my heart.
I love you Lu. I'll never forget when dad and I (yes, I'm one of those people who refers to Brad and I as mom and dad to our pets) went to pick you up. You came slinking out of your doggie foster house and crawled up in my lap. All 120 lbs. of you. It was a done deal. I wasn't leaving without you. I love your lip smaking and microphone snout. Thank you for keeping such close watch on the Kowboys when they played in the yard. You're a good girl Louie.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
June 8,2011
Last night Brad and I golfed in couples league. Super fun! I didn't do too badly if I don't say so myself. And, a couple hours of fun and dinner with the hubs and friends is always a fun time. One prob. though.....I'm gonna need to seriously de-dork golf attire. A visor, collared shirt, and khaki shorts just ain't gonna cut it. I'm thinking bedazzeled golf clubs. By the way, I love that Mr. K. He's a good man. Glad I married him.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Birthday week
Ahhhhh...what a fun 4 day weekend! Hank turned 3, momma turned 33, and I didn't do one single load of laundry.
Hankie turned 3 ladies and gentlemen. 3!!!! He had his party last weekend. Complete with 15 kids, several of momma and daddies friends, some Aunts and Uncles, cousins, Grammie, Grandpa and Papa. Oh yeah, and a dragon pinata. He again requested a Woody cake and hot dogs. Hankie staples. Fav. gift? Endless bucket of cheeseballs. The weather stopped raining shortly before the party (thank God) and a good time was had by all. Here's the bucket load-o-fun weekend lowdown.
Again, as I mentioned Hank is now 3. When he was a newborn and Brody was 1, (have I mentioned having kids 19 months apart is not for the faint hearted) I remember thinking someday he's gonna be 3, Brody's gonna be 4 and life is going to be very easy. Honest, I remember sitting in the bathroom crying, hoping Brad wouldn't hear me, (on the lucky night he was home and not in Milwaukee, Madison, Oklahoma, San Diego.....anywhere but our living room) and thinking someday I won't be this overwhelmed, but I won't have a baby anymore. Well, I don't have a baby anymore. I now have a 3 and 4 year old. And guess what? Life is easy. But I want another baby.
Hank woke up on his b-day and was searching the house for his present. Brad and I told him he was getting a set of golf clubs. Hank said "lets see what else the store has." Ummm...ok. And, just for the record, he decided on golf clubs after all. (And an 80 cent moose eraser, and stuffed turtle.) We did the usual family craziness of trying to get out of the house, honestly not matter how organized I am it takes for-evvvv-errrrr. And, somebody always has to poop as we are walking out the door. Eventually we are all buckled, munching goldfish crackers, watching DVD's...and on our way to "Green Beans" as Hank says.
Hank got to pick between Monkey Joe's and Bay beach. Bay beach it was. I'm happy to report the Kowboys like rides. I'll admit, I'm a little like Nemo's dad and would like them to stay on the sponge beds. They however, weren't having any of that. We rode rides for hours and left 13 dollars later. Yep, that's all. Love those quater rides.
We spent the night at Tundra Lodge. Brody was a rock star and spent most of the time on the water slides. When we walked into the water park Brody said "time to dominate." Hankie mostly liked floating in the lazy river and staring at the 2 yr. old girl in the Cinderella swim suit. After some swimming fun we ate dinner and time for bed. The Kowboys were pumped.....bunk beds! I hope you had a great b-day Hankie. I wish you never loose your stubborn, your wow that was funny, your I just need to do one more thing before we go, your I am so mad but I just need to rub your arm because even when I'm having a temper tantrum I still need some lovin' and your juicy lips. I promise you one day they'll be a pic of you in some Delta Kappa Omega house with a sign saying "The Great One." Trust me, if you can think up the games you do at 3, I can't even imagine what 20 is going to be like.
I'm 33! I love my b-day. I woke up and made some hotel coffee. Kovi was gone and the boys were still sound asleep. Shortly after Brad walked in with a Starbucks and donuts. Yummmmm. Brody climbed out of the top bunk, stumbled over and said "hey mom thanks for letting us stay up late." Me: "no problem, it was a fun day yesterday. Take your pull-up off now." Brody "what will I do when I go to bed?" Me: "umm..Brod's do you know it's morning time?" O.k, seriously, that's when you know you had a fun day. The kid slept so hard he had no clue he had just slept for 10 hours. After some more water park fun we hit HU-Hut for lunch,some stores, and then off to the U.P. for some congress pizza.
Let's just call this picnic table day. Or, why my husband was the perfect person for me to marry day. Or, measure twice buy once day. O.k., I love, love, love white distressed furniture. So, when I saw the picnic table painted with white milk paint, I HAD to have it. Happy b-day to me. I assured Brad it would fit in the back of the truck. It did! Benches didn't. And, did I mention I also bought a huge floor mirror? So, one table, 2 benches, 1 floor mirror, 1 very large candle holder and 4 suitcases later we needed to borrow Curt's trailor. Thanks Curt! The table is our new kitchen table. Kind of kooky I know. But, I love it, and it's my house.
Hankie turned 3 ladies and gentlemen. 3!!!! He had his party last weekend. Complete with 15 kids, several of momma and daddies friends, some Aunts and Uncles, cousins, Grammie, Grandpa and Papa. Oh yeah, and a dragon pinata. He again requested a Woody cake and hot dogs. Hankie staples. Fav. gift? Endless bucket of cheeseballs. The weather stopped raining shortly before the party (thank God) and a good time was had by all. Here's the bucket load-o-fun weekend lowdown.
Again, as I mentioned Hank is now 3. When he was a newborn and Brody was 1, (have I mentioned having kids 19 months apart is not for the faint hearted) I remember thinking someday he's gonna be 3, Brody's gonna be 4 and life is going to be very easy. Honest, I remember sitting in the bathroom crying, hoping Brad wouldn't hear me, (on the lucky night he was home and not in Milwaukee, Madison, Oklahoma, San Diego.....anywhere but our living room) and thinking someday I won't be this overwhelmed, but I won't have a baby anymore. Well, I don't have a baby anymore. I now have a 3 and 4 year old. And guess what? Life is easy. But I want another baby.
Hank woke up on his b-day and was searching the house for his present. Brad and I told him he was getting a set of golf clubs. Hank said "lets see what else the store has." Ummm...ok. And, just for the record, he decided on golf clubs after all. (And an 80 cent moose eraser, and stuffed turtle.) We did the usual family craziness of trying to get out of the house, honestly not matter how organized I am it takes for-evvvv-errrrr. And, somebody always has to poop as we are walking out the door. Eventually we are all buckled, munching goldfish crackers, watching DVD's...and on our way to "Green Beans" as Hank says.
Hank got to pick between Monkey Joe's and Bay beach. Bay beach it was. I'm happy to report the Kowboys like rides. I'll admit, I'm a little like Nemo's dad and would like them to stay on the sponge beds. They however, weren't having any of that. We rode rides for hours and left 13 dollars later. Yep, that's all. Love those quater rides.
We spent the night at Tundra Lodge. Brody was a rock star and spent most of the time on the water slides. When we walked into the water park Brody said "time to dominate." Hankie mostly liked floating in the lazy river and staring at the 2 yr. old girl in the Cinderella swim suit. After some swimming fun we ate dinner and time for bed. The Kowboys were pumped.....bunk beds! I hope you had a great b-day Hankie. I wish you never loose your stubborn, your wow that was funny, your I just need to do one more thing before we go, your I am so mad but I just need to rub your arm because even when I'm having a temper tantrum I still need some lovin' and your juicy lips. I promise you one day they'll be a pic of you in some Delta Kappa Omega house with a sign saying "The Great One." Trust me, if you can think up the games you do at 3, I can't even imagine what 20 is going to be like.
I'm 33! I love my b-day. I woke up and made some hotel coffee. Kovi was gone and the boys were still sound asleep. Shortly after Brad walked in with a Starbucks and donuts. Yummmmm. Brody climbed out of the top bunk, stumbled over and said "hey mom thanks for letting us stay up late." Me: "no problem, it was a fun day yesterday. Take your pull-up off now." Brody "what will I do when I go to bed?" Me: "umm..Brod's do you know it's morning time?" O.k, seriously, that's when you know you had a fun day. The kid slept so hard he had no clue he had just slept for 10 hours. After some more water park fun we hit HU-Hut for lunch,some stores, and then off to the U.P. for some congress pizza.
Let's just call this picnic table day. Or, why my husband was the perfect person for me to marry day. Or, measure twice buy once day. O.k., I love, love, love white distressed furniture. So, when I saw the picnic table painted with white milk paint, I HAD to have it. Happy b-day to me. I assured Brad it would fit in the back of the truck. It did! Benches didn't. And, did I mention I also bought a huge floor mirror? So, one table, 2 benches, 1 floor mirror, 1 very large candle holder and 4 suitcases later we needed to borrow Curt's trailor. Thanks Curt! The table is our new kitchen table. Kind of kooky I know. But, I love it, and it's my house.
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