Monday, December 24, 2012

 This week was full of Christmas goodness.  Programs, cookies and egg nog.  See that kid singing his heart out in the green shirt and red sweater vest.  That'd be my Herb.  I cant even stand the cuteness level.
 The inn keeper and Mary. 
 Why my family is way more awesome than yours.  Matching Holiday shirts.
 Congratulating Hank on his awesome inn keeper performance.

 Nice face Brody.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

B.Herb'm a total loser and did not post about super important things this oh say...Brody starting kindergarten....loosing his first tooth....or his New Years resolution is to be better on being on the ball with my blog.  Probably same resolution as last year....but try try again.  Correct?  So, here is some parenting advice.  Listen up.  If you are planning a birthday party for your 6 year old, and you decide to invite all the kindergartners from both class rooms, and you take a crazy pill and decide to do it at the bowling alley make sure you have lots of adults.  Lots.  And maybe a pediatrician.  And dentist.  And change of clothes in case 1 pees their pants.  And maybe a lawyer in case a kid gets his arm ripped off in the ball return.  And....of course some kick ass cupcakes.
I told Brody he could have a party, but explained why I wasn't comfortable asking 25 parents (most of which have never been to our house) to get Brody a present.  So, I explained different charities and he decided on Toys for Tots.  I was so proud of him!  He had 15 toys to donate and was so proud of himself.  He has such a kind heart.  Love, love, love the Kowboys.
Nice photobomb Hank

Viva Las Vegas

 My Mother-in-law turned 65 this year.  For her birthday my father-in-law/sister-in-laws planned a trip for she and all of us.  Vegas was the destination and lots of laughs were had.  Don't you think Aunt Heather and I would make super duper super models?  That's us.....I thought it was someone famous.  Nope.  Us.  Trying on sunglasses that cost more than my S.U.V.  minivan.  Then, carefully setting them down and getting the hell out of there before we scratch them and have to donate a kidney to pay for them.

Swim you mighty Hoda't this just the most adorable thing you ever did see?  Yep.  B.Herb joined swim club.  In typical Brody style he was "interested" in swim club because he got a team cap and "speedies" otherwise known as speedos.  Not so much the tighty whitey style, more like the boxer brief style. (Not pictured here because we ordered them and much to his dismay they were not here in time for the first meet.)  He is doing so great!  He jumps off the blocks, belly flops dives in, and swims a 25 freestyle or backstroke like nothin' you've ever seen.  Ah-may-zing.  Future Olympian we have.  Plus he really likes watch your back Michael Phelps.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Daddy's got himself a new job

Daddy's got himself a new job!!!!  The night before Brad started his new job at RMM technologies, the kids and I had a champagne (sparkling apple juice of course) toast.  That morning I explained to the kids what a toast was.  I told them to think of something heartfelt to say to daddy.  I got some balloons and had the table decorated.  That night it was time for our toast Hank wanted to go first.
Hank: "Good luck and congratulations daddy.  I love you."
Brody" Daddy, I hope you loose this job to so you can stay home with us again."

Bless their little hearts!

Halloween I'm a tad bit late on the Halloween post.  But, turns out I have this really super awesome hot pepper cream cheese dip and it seems to be calling my name when I put my kids to bed.  Not good.  Cream cheese is an evil little monster.  Evil.  But delicious.'s what's been going on with the Kowboys and their trainers parents.  The kids went to the Y for their annual Halloween party.  Hank made it out of the car, saw a scary costume, freaked his freak and Brad came to pick him up. Brody and I had a great time.  Well, up until Brody had to pee and didn't make it back to the bathroom in time and ended up a steamy urine mess because it was all of  27 degrees outside.  But, whatever, didn't stop us from grabbing a brownie on the way out.  That's how we roll.  Move over everybody...pee pants coming thru...momma's in need of some chocolate.
 The lorax? Really? Not good.
Our lame attempt at Halloween costumes.  Whaa Whaa.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Huck Finn

Last night my in-laws treated themselves and my family to the play Huck Finn at the Grand in Wausau.  Huck Finn is one of the kids favorite books.  The play however was a major bummer.  The actors decided not to use microphones (against the wishes of the Grand), so it was impossible to hear them.  Hank got scared about 10 minutes into the play, clung unto Brad's neck and begged to go into the hallway.  Needless to say, we left at intermission.  However, the Grand got so many complaints and so many people left that they are going to give our family tickets to another performance of our choice.  Thank you!

Where's my debit card...oh, by the partridge foot

Have you ever been looking in your purse for your debit card, reached in and found a partridge foot?  No? Never? C'mon.  Chapstick, tampons, receipts, loose change....and a partridge foot.

Where o where did this come from you ask?
Hank.  That's who.

Brad took the boys "hunting" this weekend in Thorp.  Which, for the Kowboys is better than Disney.  He was super Dad and shot a delicious after school snack of partridge and let them keep the feet.  I mean..why not?  And, Hank, being a 4 yr old frat boy decided that he would put his in my purse. 
I had tears streaming down my face I was laughing so hard.  Good one Hankie.  Good one.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

fixing up the ol' shed

Hank and Grandpa fixed up our shed with some spiffy new paint.  And.....the dog got some low-lights to match.  If you see Lila she has a new hair color called Ethiopia brown by Behr.  Hank did a little painting....then a little petting.  He stuck with the project and he and Grandpa painted our shed for about 2 hours.  Way to go Hank!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


 This past Wednesday we went to a water park in Wausau.  It was $2 for each person and sooooo much fun!  We met a bunch of friend there and the kids had a blast!  Brody and Hank are little fish and I am so proud of how Brody is swimming.  He's really come a long way this summer.
 Kowboys thought they were hot stuff ordering their own things from the concession stand.

Last day of golf

 Ever have one of those days where you feel like nothing you say as a parent sinks in?  I swear I spend all of my waking hours teaching the kids things like say please, say thank you, stop punching each other in the head during dinner, flush the toilet, wash your hands, go back and wash your hands with soap, do your chores when I ask you the first time, or the 5th time.  I know.  I know.  ALL moms have those days.  And Tuesday was "that" day for me.  The kids had their last day of golf and Hank was in a mood.  Let's just say Hank can be a little hot under the collar.  I realize that I am not going to change this in I need to teach him how to try to control his temper and what is and is not appropriate behavior when he gets mad. 
Like....I don't know....for example....
just for an not appropriate.
Hank wanted to ride in the golf cart (yes...I know...he's 4), however, part of golf lessons is obviously teaching them how to respect other players, the golf course...etc.  So...he needed to walk the 3 feet to his ball instead of ride in the cart.
Crazy meltdown, screaming, swinging his club at Brad.
So....we made him stop his lesson, sit in the van, and "cool" down.
Let's just say by the end of the day I was crying in the laundry room because I was so frustrated with his behavior.  I think I'm just going to get a shirt that says "I try."

 Oh...and....guess who was runner up in the little one holers?  Yes...after that behavior he wins a trophy.  Awesome.  But....he is adorable.

Nicole Doto is no longer a Doto......

 This past weekend one of my high school friends got married.  Her last name is Doto.  For real...not kidding.  She, her sisters and her mom are a HOOT!!!  It was such a fun wedding!  The bride and bridesmaids wore cowboy boots.  Isn't that just the cutest?  And.....isn't my hubs just the hottest?
 One of my besties.  Friends since we were 7.  I love her!
 Isn't she just gorgeous!!!!!! (The bride, not me) with my favorite.....lambrusco!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

 Today we decided to play tourist.  There are so many fun things to do in our area.  We drove up to Eagle River with some family and friends and went to Kartway and out to lunch.  Kartway has this super awesome water balloon launcher.  Really...way fun for adults.  I think we should build one in our back yard.
 Roo and I on the Go-Karts.  He loved them.  Isn't he just the cutest?
Taking a break from life is something we should do more often.  We have lived here (as married folk) for 8 yrs.  We've never...ever done the tourist thing and it was a blast!  

Monday, July 2, 2012

4K grad

 Ooops....I don't know how, but I didn't add this MAJOR event to my blog.  See the kid in the blue grad hat??? Yup...that's my B.Herb.  4K graduate people.  On to kindergarten.  Kindergarten.  You know how people say "by the time your kids are that age you're ready for them to go."  Yeah..well...they're big fat liars.  I am NOT ready for him to go to school Mon-Fri all day. 
 Isn't he just the cutest little man you've ever seen.  I know.  Thanks.
 Daddy and Roo proudly watching the graduate
 How adorable is this?  Hank is so proud of his big bro.

 I have enjoyed watching this precious baby grow into the little boys he's becoming.  God bless you Herb.  You're a great kid. 

Cousin fun

 Grammie and Grandpa rented jet skis for the day.  Hank and Herb are fans.  Big time.  I told Brody he should get me one next year for Mother's day....I'll let you know if I get that instead of a macaroni dyed necklace.  (Don't hold your breath.)  Anyway....Hank likes to go in "S'es, by the trees, over BIG waves.....really...really fast."  Brody likes to go "32 or faster."  Momma loves jet skis.
 Brody and his cousin Jonas
 If this isn't a sign it's nap time the temper tantrum (because he couldn't have a jack knife) was.   He got mad at Brad and told him he could "never..ever...ever...ever..come to his birthday parties ever again."  Gonna be a bummer not having Brad at his party.  Oh well.  More cake for me.

Brad turns 37!

 Happy 37 Brad!!  Brad and his Dad share the same birthday.  Grandpa is in all his glory with all of his grandkids.  That's a happy man!!! Not to mention some angel food cake.....

 Brody decided to try water-skiing today.  He gave it one good try, got a face full of water and decided that was enough for today.  He's game to try tommorrow.  Meanwhile.....Mom is having a heart attack from the dock.  The Roo is part fish.  He may have gills by the end of summer.  Both the Kowboys have taken a strong liking to jumping off the dock.  Can you say AWESOME???  Last year they were both too frightened to try but this year....not so much.  Fun. Fun. Fun.