Monday, July 2, 2012

Brad turns 37!

 Happy 37 Brad!!  Brad and his Dad share the same birthday.  Grandpa is in all his glory with all of his grandkids.  That's a happy man!!! Not to mention some angel food cake.....

 Brody decided to try water-skiing today.  He gave it one good try, got a face full of water and decided that was enough for today.  He's game to try tommorrow.  Meanwhile.....Mom is having a heart attack from the dock.  The Roo is part fish.  He may have gills by the end of summer.  Both the Kowboys have taken a strong liking to jumping off the dock.  Can you say AWESOME???  Last year they were both too frightened to try but this year....not so much.  Fun. Fun. Fun. 

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