Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Daddy's got himself a new job

Daddy's got himself a new job!!!!  The night before Brad started his new job at RMM technologies, the kids and I had a champagne (sparkling apple juice of course) toast.  That morning I explained to the kids what a toast was.  I told them to think of something heartfelt to say to daddy.  I got some balloons and had the table decorated.  That night it was time for our toast Hank wanted to go first.
Hank: "Good luck and congratulations daddy.  I love you."
Brody" Daddy, I hope you loose this job to so you can stay home with us again."

Bless their little hearts!

Halloween I'm a tad bit late on the Halloween post.  But, turns out I have this really super awesome hot pepper cream cheese dip and it seems to be calling my name when I put my kids to bed.  Not good.  Cream cheese is an evil little monster.  Evil.  But delicious.'s what's been going on with the Kowboys and their trainers parents.  The kids went to the Y for their annual Halloween party.  Hank made it out of the car, saw a scary costume, freaked his freak and Brad came to pick him up. Brody and I had a great time.  Well, up until Brody had to pee and didn't make it back to the bathroom in time and ended up a steamy urine mess because it was all of  27 degrees outside.  But, whatever, didn't stop us from grabbing a brownie on the way out.  That's how we roll.  Move over everybody...pee pants coming thru...momma's in need of some chocolate.
 The lorax? Really? Not good.
Our lame attempt at Halloween costumes.  Whaa Whaa.